Roxana Corona Obituary, Death Cause – In a tragic turn of events, our hearts are heavy with grief as we share the news of the untimely passing of our beloved Roxana Corona. On the morning of December 2nd, 2023, Roxana was involved in a fatal car accident, leaving behind a void that can never be filled. At just 25 years old, Roxana’s vibrant spirit and outgoing personality had touched the lives of many, making her departure all the more difficult to comprehend. Friends fondly remember Roxana as the one who was always there in times of need,
a pillar of support and a source of joy. Her loss has left a community in mourning, and the pain is palpable in the countless memories she leaves behind. Coping with such a tragedy is challenging, and the burden is further exacerbated by the unexpected funeral expenses. In the face of this heart-wrenching situation, a plea for assistance echoes through this message. Family, friends, and the community at large are urged to come together to alleviate the financial strain on the Corona family during this trying time. Every donation, regardless of size, will make a significant impact and is deeply appreciated.
All proceeds collected will go directly to the Corona family, offering some relief as they navigate through the overwhelming expenses associated with laying Roxana to rest. As we grapple with the enormity of this loss, let us find solace in the memories Roxana shared and extend our support to her grieving family. In the midst of sorrow, may we find strength and solidarity, keeping the Corona family lifted in our prayers as they navigate through this season of profound sadness.