Open the Castile soap wipe and all 3 BZK wipes. Keep them in their wrappers for now. Pull your foreskin (the skin around the tip of your penis) away from your urinary opening, if needed.Click to see full answer. Simply so, when you obtain a clean catch urine specimen you should?To collect the urine sample: Keeping your labia spread open, urinate a small amount into the toilet bowl, then stop the flow of urine. Hold the urine cup a few inches (or a few centimeters) from the urethra and urinate until the cup is about half full. You may finish urinating into the toilet bowl.Also, how do you sterilize a urine sample container? Before you collect the urine, get a sterile urine collection container or a urine bag and some clean wipes from the clinic. If you are at home and cannot get a sterile collection container, use a clean jar. Wash the jar with hot, soapy water, then rinse the jar well. Also know, what is a clean catch urine? A clean-catch urine specimen is a sample of urine. It is necessary when your health care provider wants to test your urine for bacteria, which may be causing an infection in your urinary tract. A clean-catch specimen is a way of collecting urine that does not contain a lot of bacteria from the skin.How do you clean yourself before a urine test?WASH YOURSELF OUT: The general strategy for passing urine tests is to increase your fluid intake and urine flow so as to dilute the concentration of drugs in the sample below the threshold of detection. An hour or two before the test, you should fill your bladder with fluids – as much as you can drink.