Melia Jones, a 23-year-elderly person with Down Condition, was living alone without precedent for a Virginia loft when her neighbor David Cunningham, 42, s*xually attacked Jones prior to choking her to death in December 2021.
On Thursday, June 1, David Cunningham, who was indicted for irritated murder and two includes of item s*xual entrance in February 2023, was condemned to carry out three life punishments in the Dec. 2021 passing of Melia Jones.
On December 7 2021, Jones’ dad and stepmother found Jones in her condo choked to death with a plastic pack on her head.
During the preliminary, investigators let the members of the jury know that upon the arrival of the killing, the suspect watched Melia Jones prior to following her into her condo and carrying out egregious wrongdoings against the young lady. Jones then apparently organized the scene to appear as though the casualty had been burglarized.
According to NBC Washington, at the preliminary, examiners said that security film from the high rise showed that the suspect followed the casualty prior to killing her in December 2021.
The day preceding the homicide, Jones was purportedly seen moving as she anticipated a food conveyance while her neighbor prowled behind a truck, at last captivating the casualty in a short discussion.
Different reports expressed that the suspect never admitted to the homicide yet was discovered changing his story on numerous occasions throughout the examination.
Specialists were apparently ready to make sure about the suspect for the wrongdoing after his DNA was tracked down under her the casualty’s fingernails.
Following the condemning, Alexandria Region’s Lawyer Bryan Doorman said that the “hunter” will use whatever remains of his life in person pondering the “detestable” violations against Jones.
“Today, a hunter has been considered responsible for the knowing, planned rape and murder of a valuable person. Until the end of his life, the litigant will be housed in a jail, allowed to consider and figure his wretched and horrendous demonstrations. He merits no better.”
Watchman likewise thought about the existence of the delightful young lady, expressing that she will be associated with her chuckling, moving and “the satisfaction she brought to the existences of others.”
Per her Eulogy, Melia Jones was born in Puerto Rico. She then proceeded to move on from Mount Vernon Secondary School and the Pulley Vocation Center in Alexandria. While in secondary school Jones, who was profoundly dug in local area exercises, supposedly chipped in armed force veteran-driven programs. The page read:
“During Secondary School, she took part in the Work Mindfulness and Change (WAT) Program. During October 2015-June 2016, she worked at Post Belvoir [Army] Grocery store and was granted Representative of the Month.”
The page expressed that while in the Pulley Profession Center, Melia worked at Precious stone City Marriott Inn as a maid and feast administration delegate. During her work at the inn, she was granted Representative of the Month on two separate events.
The eulogy said that Melia Jones adored moving to tunes of her number one specialists, which included “Michael Jackson, Big Time Rush, Elvis Presley, Arianna Grande, Justin Bieber, all gospel craftsmen.”
“Melia profoundly adored every individual from her family and lavishly appreciated family, companions, and cohorts social affairs. She will always be associated with her delicate and sweet soul.” In 2022, David Cunningham’s safeguard lawyer uncovered that the suspect was a previous Coca-Cola stockroom specialist and had a rocks habit.
During the condemning hearing, the suspect declined to talk and kept quiet until the end of the procedures.